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Laodicea – Number Three

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What are the Rules?


Key Takeaways

The article explores the interpretation and significance of the seven churches of Revelation, emphasizing their application not only to the history of early Christian churches but also to the broader scope of biblical history. It presents the “historicist” methodology, as championed by William Miller and supported by Ellen G. White, as the most accurate framework for understanding biblical prophecy, including the seven churches. The progression of truth, a key theme in the article, highlights the need for continual revelation and reformation in Christian understanding, countering false methodologies like preterism and dispensationalism. The article also underscores Satan’s persistent attempts to obscure the truths contained in Revelation, particularly those that pertain to the role of the papacy, the Midnight Cry, and the culmination of prophetic history.

  • Historicist View: The seven churches symbolize periods of church history from the apostles to the end of the world, a perspective upheld by Adventist pioneers and rooted in historicist methodology.
  • Dual Representation: The seven churches also parallel the history of ancient Israel, from Moses to the stoning of Stephen, showing that truths in modern Israel’s history existed in ancient Israel as well.
  • Progressive Truth: Truth unfolds progressively; rejecting this principle risks falling into reliance on traditions and human interpretations.
  • Role of Revelation: The book of Revelation is a key target of Satan’s efforts to obscure divine truth, with false methodologies like preterism and dispensationalism introduced to confuse its interpretation.
  • Prophetic Fulfillment: New light in prophecy must harmonize with established truth, advancing understanding without contradiction.
  • Midnight Cry: The final fulfillment of the Midnight Cry, illuminated in Revelation, represents the culmination of God’s plan and is central to end-time prophetic understanding.
  • Adventist Responsibility: The Adventist Church is called to uphold the historicist methodology and preserve the prophetic truths revealed in Revelation against modern theological distortions.
  • Warnings from History: The decline in Protestant reformist zeal serves as a cautionary example of the dangers of formalism and resistance to new truth.
  • Satan’s Counterfeits: Historical and modern attacks on Revelation aim to obscure critical truths, particularly those related to the papacy and the unsealing of end-time prophecies.

The article argues for a careful, Spirit-led study of Revelation as essential for recognizing and embracing the full scope of prophetic truth in preparation for Christ’s return.




“We should know for ourselves what constitutes Christianity, what is truth, what is the faith that we have received, what are the Bible rules—the rules given us from the highest authority.” The 1888 Materials, 403.


For several years Future for America has identified that the seven churches of Revelation not only represent the history of modern Israel from the time of the apostles until the end of the world, but that the seven churches also represent ancient Israel from the time of Moses until the stoning of Stephen. The pioneers of Adventism did not teach this truth, but they understood and employed the principles that establish this truth. Jesus identifies the end from the beginning and ancient Israel represents modern Israel. Therefore, any truth that is part of the prophetic characteristics of modern Israel also existed in ancient Israel.

Before Millerite history the traditional Christian view of the seven churches was that they represented the actual churches in Asia minor during the time of John. The traditional view also understood that the counsel to the individual churches may also be understood to represent specific counsel to various churches throughout Christian history, and also that the very same counsel and warnings is for individual Christians. They also understood that the seven churches represent seven periods of church history from the time of the disciples until the end of the world. These perspectives pre-dated the Millerite history. Those four recognitions of the seven churches that make up the traditional view that pre-dated William Miller were and are based upon the “historicist” interpretation of the Bible. It is that methodology that God’s angels led William Miller to adopt.

“The seven churches of Asia is a history of the church of Christ in her seven forms, in all her windings and turnings, in all her prosperity and adversity, from the days of the apostles down to the end of the world. The seven seals are a history of the transactions of the powers and kings of the earth over the church, and God’s protection of his people during the same time. The seven trumpets are a history of seven peculiar and heavy judgments sent upon the earth, or Roman kingdom. And the seven vials are the seven last plagues sent upon Papal Rome. Mixed with these are many other events, woven in like tributary streams, and filling up the grand river of prophecy, until the whole ends us in the ocean of eternity.

“This, to me, is the plan of John’s prophecy in the book of Revelation. And the man who wishes to understand this book, must have a thorough knowledge of other parts of the word of God. The figures and metaphors used in this prophecy, are not all explained in the same, but must be found in other prophets, and explained in other passages of Scripture. Therefore it is evident that God has designed the study of the whole, even to obtain a clear knowledge of any part.” William Miller, Miller’s Lectures, volume 2, lecture 12, 178.


Sister White agrees with and upholds the “historicist” view held by Miller, but she added a deeper insight to the book of Revelation than Miller saw, for Miller had not recognized the sanctuary as it truly is. He understood the sanctuary to be the earth. Sister White recognized that when Jesus presented the predictions represented in the book of Revelation, that Christ was doing so in conjunction with His work as the heavenly High Priest.

When John turns and sees Christ, He is walking among the candlesticks in priestly garments, and the candlesticks are located in the holy place, and therefore in the history after His ascension, but before He moved into the Most Holy Place in 1844. Miller could not have understood the significance of this reality. Neither would have Tyndale, Luther or John Wycliffe or any of the early reformers. Truth is progressive, shining brighter and still brighter unto the perfect day.

“The great principle so nobly advocated by Robinson and Roger Williams, that truth is progressive, that Christians should stand ready to accept all the light which may shine from God’s holy word, was lost sight of by their descendants. The Protestant churches of America,—and those of Europe as well,—so highly favored in receiving the blessings of the Reformation, failed to press forward in the path of reform. Though a few faithful men arose, from time to time, to proclaim new truth and expose long-cherished error, the majority, like the Jews in Christ’s day or the papists in the time of Luther, were content to believe as their fathers had believed and to live as they had lived. Therefore religion again degenerated into formalism; and errors and superstitions which would have been cast aside had the church continued to walk in the light of God’s word, were retained and cherished. Thus the spirit inspired by the Reformation gradually died out, until there was almost as great need of reform in the Protestant churches as in the Roman Church in the time of Luther. There was the same worldliness and spiritual stupor, a similar reverence for the opinions of men, and substitution of human theories for the teachings of God’s word.” The Great Controversy, 297.


If the fact that truth develops progressively throughout history is not recognized, then the significance of any new light in this final generation may very well be impossible to recognize. Once a person ceases to understand the progressive nature of “truth,” they automatically begin to rely upon traditions, customs and fallen human guidance.

The methodology that Miller employed is a waymark that runs through the entire prophetic line which presents a testimony of the development of biblical truth that began with the apostles. Yet in the waymark represented by Miller, we find a beginning that demands a counterpart at the end. Most never understand these realities, but not so with Satan.

Satan has resisted the truth and its development from his rebellion in heaven onward. When it reached the point in history that the reformers began to distinctly understand how to study the Bible, Satan did as he always does and he introduced counterfeits. The historical evidence of his work of counterfeiting the truth identifies that Jesuits such as Ribera and Louis de Alcazar focused their counterfeit methodology specifically against the book of Revelation. The corrupted methodology that is called “preterism” began in the second and third centuries with two primary representatives of that false methodology. One was Eusebius of Caesarea (260–339), and Victorinus of Pettau (died circa 304). Both of these early historical figures promoted the methodology suggesting the book of Revelation was fulfilled during the time of the Roman Empire by such historical figures as the infamous emperor Nero.

In the nineteenth century John Darby (1800–1882) from the United Kingdom introduced another satanic methodology which was also inserted to the foot notes of the Trojan horse Bible called the Scofield Reference Bible which we have previously identified. “Dispensationalism” is a theological framework that divides history and God’s interaction with humanity into distinct periods, or ‘dispensations,’ in which God administers His plan in different ways. I note this at this point for this is one of the falsehoods that was introduced to the movement of Future for America by voices from the same area Darby had propagated his satanic ideas. Darby’s ideas that attacked Future for America were accompanied by the philosophy of the so-called modern-day “woke” movement which promotes the same anarchy represented by the French Revolution and the same licentiousness represented by Sodom and Gomorrah.

Today the theologians of modern Adventism employ a system of dissecting the truths of the Bible based upon a two-fold system of biblical interpretation they employ to undermine and deny both the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. They identify men as either experts in biblical languages or as experts in biblical history. Thus, the theologians of Adventism today control the minds of Laodicean Adventism either by interpreting God’s word based upon a fallen man’s understanding of history or fallen man’s understanding of language. These modern manifestations of error which have been often used to attack the message you are now reading will be addressed further in these articles when we consider the symbolism of the French Revolution. Satan is alive, and he knows his time is short. The last rule of Miller’s rules, number fourteen concludes with the following paragraph.

“The divinity taught in our schools is always founded on some sectarian creed. It may do to take a blank mind and impress it with this kind, but it will always end in bigotry. A free mind will never be satisfied with the views of others. Were I a teacher of youth in divinity, I would first learn their capacity and mind. If these were good, I would make them study the Bible for themselves, and send them out free to do the world good. But if they had no mind, I would stamp them with another’s mind, write bigot on their forehead, and send them out as slaves!” William Miller, Miller’s Works, volume 1, 24.


In the period just after John the Revelator lived, and in the days of the Reformation, Satan was actively producing false prophetic methodology to confuse and destroy true biblical analysis. What is sometimes missed in these historical facts is that all those satanic methodologies were aimed directly at no other book than the book of Revelation. That was the subject of each of these promoters of satanic confusion. The book of Revelation has always been Satan’s target. Satan knows it is the book of Revelation that he must war against. When we recognize this fact, we can then recognize another unseen reality, that is obscured by another significant truth.

The false methodology of the Jesuits was intended to prevent a clear understanding that the pope of the Roman church is the antichrist of Bible prophecy. Every single Protestant reformer came to recognize and identify this truth. Therefore, when the accurate history of men such as Ribera and Louis de Alcazar have been publicly presented in the past through word and publication the history men such as Ribera and Louis de Alcazar was used for the purpose of demonstrating the satanic efforts to prevent a correct understanding of the “man of sin.” The written or spoken testimonies exposing the purpose of the introduction of these satanic methodologies are correct as far as they go, but Satan was attempting to cover up more than simply the biblical proofs that identify the antichrist as the pope of Rome.

There are truths in the book of Revelation that have been covered up with the confusion produced by these false systems of biblical interpretation that are outside the subject of the man whose number is six, six, six. One of those truths is most definitely the truth represented when the seven churches are understood in their fullest development. There are truths located within the seven churches that speak directly to the history that got under way on September 11, 2001 and ends in the Sunday law crisis. Satan has been seeking to keep this light buried, and he invented the satanic methodologies to obscure several gems of truth located in the book of Revelation, not only the identification of the pope of Rome as the antichrist.

Before “the man of sin” was revealed in 538, men such as Eusebius and Victorinus attacked the book of Revelation in an attempt to obscure the rise of the papal power. Later in history Christ fulfilled His promise to Thyatira and brought forth the morning star of the reformation (Wycliffe), and Satan thereafter brought forth two prominent historical figures to champion and carry on his satanic work. The long-drawn-out war over the development of truth that reaches its climax when the secret of the book of Revelation is unsealed, (just before the close of probation) includes light from the seven churches that Miller never recognized, nor did Sister White, but it can be easily shown that both Miller and the Spirit of Prophecy uphold the new light, for new light never contradicts old light.

“It is a fact that we have the truth, and we must hold with tenacity to the positions that cannot be shaken; but we must not look with suspicion upon any new light which God may send, and say, Really, we cannot see that we need any more light than the old truth which we have hitherto received, and in which we are settled. While we hold to this position, the testimony of the True Witness applies to our cases its rebuke, ‘And knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.’ Those who feel rich and increased with goods and in need of nothing, are in a condition of blindness as to their true condition before God, and they know it not.” Review and Herald, August 7, 1894.


The primary test for new light is whether it contradicts established truth, and whether it upholds the foundational truths.

“When the power of God testifies as to what is truth, that truth is to stand forever as the truth. No after suppositions, contrary to the light God has given are to be entertained. Men will arise with interpretations of Scripture which are to them truth, but which are not truth. The truth for this time, God has given us as a foundation for our faith. He Himself has taught us what is truth. One will arise, and still another, with new light which contradicts the light that God has given under the demonstration of His Holy Spirit.” Selected Messages, book 1, 162.


Satan has had the book of Revelation as his target of attack from the time John recorded the messages contained therein. Jesus said:

But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. Matthew 13:16, 17.


The blessing attached to seeing and hearing is the blessing of understanding the message of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. When John represented those in the “last days” who see and hear the message he fell down to worship the angel Gabriel, who immediately informed John not to do it.

And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which showed me these things. Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God. Revelation 22:8, 9.


Gabriel and John are both created beings, who are only to worship to the Creator. Many prophets and righteous men, including angels have desired to “see” and “hear” the message of the Midnight Cry when it is repeated at the end of the world.

“Christ said, ‘Blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear. For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them’ [Matthew 13:16, 17]. Blessed are the eyes which saw the things that were seen in 1843 and 1844.

“The message was given. And there should be no delay in repeating the message, for the signs of the times are fulfilling; the closing work must be done. A great work will be done in a short time. A message will soon be given by God’s appointment that will swell into a loud cry. Then Daniel will stand in his lot, to give his testimony.” Manuscript Releases, volume 21, 437.


What righteous men (John) and their fellow servants (angels) desired to see was the final fulfillment of the Midnight Cry at the end of Adventism when the earth would be lightened by God’s glory. That final manifestation of power in the latter rain is brought about by the unsealing of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:10–13.


The prophets, righteous men and angels have desired to live in the time when the “grace” or the power of God, is poured out during the final fulfillment of the Midnight Cry. That “grace,” which is God’s creative power is brought to men when the Revelation of Jesus Christ is unsealed. Satan knows that the avenue to convey the creative power of God unto His people is accomplished by the message that is unsealed in the book of Revelation, and it has therefore been his supreme effort to confuse, suppress and cover up the light contained in the book of Revelation. That light is not simply the identification of the man of sin, for that truth has been fully documented by all the Protestant reformers centuries ago.

I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter. Revelation 1:10–19.


While Adventism upheld the “historicist” methodology they recognized that all the churches of Revelation two and three are repeated in the final church. Unfortunately, at the end of the nineteenth century Satan was already closing Adventism’s eyes to the sacred methodology, the protection of and the practice of being an essential part of their responsibility as “the depositaries of the great truths of prophecy.” Even as the methodology was being set aside in Adventism, there were still those who applied the sacred methodology. We use the book, Story of the Seer of Patmos as a witness to the fact that applying all the churches to the history of Laodicea is a valid application of prophecy. The following are excerpts from that book that make the point I am referring to.

“It should be remembered that, as the experience of Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamos, will be repeated in the last church before the second coming of Christ, so the history of Thyatira will have its counterpart in the last generation.” Stephen N. Haskell, Story of the Seer of Patmos, 69.


Haskell correctly points out that the experience of the first four churches is repeated, or as he says, “will have its counterpart in the last generation.”

“He applied the test, but all pointed forward to the year 1843 as the time when the world must welcome its Saviour. The condition of the people at the first advent of Christ was now repeated.” Stephen N. Haskell, Story of the Seer of Patmos, 75.


Haskell was speaking of William Miller identifying 1843 as the Second Coming of Christ, and identifies that the conditions of the first advent was repeated in the time of the Millerites. Haskell was correct, and Sister White confirms that Miller himself was represented by John the Baptist.

“As John the Baptist heralded the first advent of Jesus and prepared the way for His coming, so William Miller and those who joined with him proclaimed the second advent of the Son of God.” Early Writings, 229.


Haskel even identifies that during the history of Pergamos, (the third church representing the compromise of Christianity with idolatry), the history of Sardis, the fifth church was repeated.

“There was a time in the history of Pergamos, when Christianity thought Paganism was dead; but in reality, the religion which was apparently vanquished, had conquered. Paganism baptized, stepped into the church. In the days of Sardis this history was repeated.” Stephen N. Haskell, Story of the Seer of Patmos, 75, 76.


Sardis was the church of the Reformation that woke up and protested against the satanic fallacies of the papacy, but before their work was finished, they had already began returning to Rome. They thought as did the church of Pergamos that papalism was dead, but in reality, it was still living. Haskell also identifies that upon the remnant church shines “the accumulated rays of all past ages.”

“Upon this last church—the remnant,—shine the accumulated rays of all past ages.” Stephen N. Haskell, Story of the Seer of Patmos, 69.


I am not suggesting that Haskell recognized that the progressive history represented by the seven churches, was also fulfilled in the history of ancient Israel, but he certainly upholds that truth when he writes that “the accumulated rays of all past ages” “shine” upon “the last church.” Ancient Israel is included in the “rays of” “past ages.” And though he upholds the principles necessary to recognize the symbolism of the seven churches in ancient Israel’s history, I am uncertain how deeply he recognized the parallels represented in those symbols. I am also certain he did not recognize an even more important aspect of the histories represented by the seven churches, an aspect we are leading to. We will address this truth in our next article.

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2 comments on “Laodicea – Number Three”

  1. Patrick Rampy

    Amen! May this resurrected movement fulfill its appointed task perfectly and glorify the Lord.

  2. Timothy McIntire

    Isn’t Historicism displaced and obfuscated today by the methodology of Higher Criticism?

    The idea that the seven churches represent parallel histories is a beautiful thought and aligns with the character of Christ as Alpha and Omega. There is nothing new under the sun.

    Martin Luther King Jr. wrote an essay dealing with the influx of Mysticism into Christianity though I don’t know it was in the context of the history of Pergamos or Sardis.

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